HomeReviewsAir Conditioner ReviewsFrigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window Air Conditioner Review

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window Air Conditioner Review

If you are reading this review, we can imagine that it is summer or close to summer, and you are looking for the best small window air conditioner.

Are you wondering if the Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E window air conditioner is made for you or not?

This window AC unit comes with a high-capacity cooling that quickly lowers the temperature in your room.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Quick Summary

Before we start with the guide, let us tell you about the company. You must have heard of Frigidaire before, but where have you been if you don’t know about this company?

Frigidaire has been around for over 100 years and was one of the pioneers in the early refrigeration industry.

This window air conditioner has a 5000 BTU capacity, which means that it can easily cool your room up to 150 ft square.

Furthermore, the dehumidification capacity of this ac window unit stands at 1.1 pints per hour. This will surely help you set the ambiance of your room hassle-free.

Furthermore, this window air conditioner offers you two different cooling levels to choose from. In addition to this feature, this small air conditioner offers two different fan speeds, set by the user.Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window Air Conditioner Review

This product is discontinued and no longer being produced.

So alternatively, check the newer model: Frigidaire FFRE053WAE 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner.


  • This window air conditioner can cool a room of up to 150 ft square.
  • It comes with a dehumidification capacity of 1.1 pints per hour.
  • The window mounting kit is included in the packing to offer an easy installation.
  • Mesh air conditioner filters are washable, which means you can detach them and wash them with water easily.
  • The filter inside this ac window unit reduces bacteria to provide healthy cooling.
  • The AC is effective in killing unwanted room odors and particles.
  • Consumes very less amount of electricity, hence save more.


  • Small cooling range.
  • No remote control feature is given with this product.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Features

  • Easy Cooling – More Comfort

This air conditioner comes with a dehumidification capacity of up to 1.1 pints per hour and can cool down your room by up to 150 square feet. Two cooling speeds and two fan speeds are offered on the control panel.

  • Clean and Healthy Air

The antibacterial mesh filter kills harmful bacteria and bad odor in your room, providing you a clean and healthy air to breathe. You can even slide out the filter to clean it.

  • Easy Controls

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window Air Conditioner Review

The mechanical rotary controls on this air conditioner allow you to control cooling and fan speeds. As a result, you can easily direct the air wherever you want.

  • Hassle-Free Installation

The window AC unit comes with a mounting kit, which makes it easy to install and run. This window air conditioner runs on a standard electrical outlet of 115V.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Warranty

You are offered a limited two-year warranty on the product on a limited 3-5 year warranty on the compressor, condenser, evaporator, and tubing.

The warranty starts as soon as you purchase the product from the store. If your product faces any issue, you can get it repaired free from the company.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Design AndSize

If we talk about this AC’s design, we would say “simplicity at its finest.” This AC window unit comes with a simple air conditioner design, vents on the front panel, and a dial on the left side.

The air vents are adjustable, meaning you can direct the air wherever you want. The top dial on the left side allows you to set the temperature and the bottom dial offers five options: low cool, low fan, high cool, and high fan.

In addition, this model allows you to access the slide-out washable mesh filter.

The unit is 16 inches wide, 12 inches tall, and 14 inches deep. You can fit it anywhere, and the left-out space can be closed with cardboard or some other similar item. The unit weighs 28.1 pounds.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Noise Level

Throughout our research on this product, we found that most people complained of the unit’s noise when cooling.

Some users say that it is just a white box of noise. However, more users have stated that as the product becomes old, it makes more and more noise making it difficult to sleep.

But let us remind you that this is a budget air conditioner, so you need to oversee things like this.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC EER, BTU, PINTS

EER rating is the measure of BTUs for each watt of power consumed. Simply put, it tells how efficient your air conditioner is.

For example, most AC’s standard energy efficiency ratio is 10, but this Frigidaire AC is rated at 11.1. So this means that the unit is very efficient in terms of electricity consumption and operation.

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E consumes 450 watts, so if you want to run it 24/7, that will be 11kW, that’s around $1.3. 

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E AC cooling capacity is 5,000 BTUs. That’s enough for 150 square feet area. It also reduces moisture by 1.1 pints every hour or 26 pints every day.

That same as Friedrich CCF05A10A and RCA 5,000 BTU window air conditioners are capable.

Pay a bit more and bet Haier ESAQ406P 6,000 BTU with 250 square feet capacity and 1.5 pints of moisture removal. 

Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E Window AC Installation & Usage

The main selling point of this air conditioner is the ease of setup. It just takes a few minutes to set it up and make it operational. 

You don’t have to go through the fuss while setting up this unit. Problems may start if you want to install it in sliding or casement windows. You will need to insulate around the window air conditioner and seal it. 

To prevent mold and dust and make it last longer, you should clean it regularly, and you can do so without removing the window AC. 

This product is discontinued and no longer being produced.

So alternatively, check the newer model: Frigidaire FFRE053WAE 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner.

Final Thoughts

Finally, we would say that the Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E air conditioner is a great idea to buy only if you are looking to cool your small room or small office cabin.

However, if you are looking for an air conditioner that will cool your large office or room, this won’t do justice to your expectations.

As far as this product’s quality is concerned, more than 2000 people have reviewed this product with an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars.


If you already own Frigidaire FFRA0511R1E, you may want to dispose of it because it is discontinued, and soon you won’t be able to get spare parts.

Instead, go for Frigidaire FFRE053WAE 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner. This new model has the same cooling capacity of 5,000 BTU; it has a higher EER – 12.2, consumes less energy, has more features, looks better, and you won’t want to hide it behind curtains. 

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