HomeBLOGAir ConditionersThe 10 Best AC Coil Cleaners

The 10 Best AC Coil Cleaners

If you have to clean the coils on your air conditioner, you will want to have the right cleanser to make it easier. There are plenty of options that one would need to look at, including professional-grade and much more.

It would help if you looked at what option will fit your needs, including the type, ease of use, price, and much more. If you are still unsure about which option you might want to consider and purchase for your needs, then you should keep reading on.

This comprehensive guide will help you choose the best option for all your requirements, no matter what.


Top 10 Best AC Coil Cleaners 


You can pick and choose from many brands and products when it comes to AC coil cleaners, and you need to know what they are.

Here are just 10 of the top brands that you should think about and look at, such as:

  1. Best Overall: Frost King ACF19 Foam Coil CleanerFrost King ACF19 Foam Coil Cleaner

If you want only the best product available, this will be the one for you to look at. This one is citrus-scented and comes from the Frost King brand, and the can holds 19 ounces. It is a foam-based cleaner that would help clean your air filters that can be reused, fan blades, and even the coils.

The foam for this product is heavy-duty, and it can remove oil and grease, dissolve stains, and even loosens up hard to get rid of dirt. It can also neutralize the odors that would come from water that is standing in the drain pans.


  • Can neutralize bad odors
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable


  • Nozzle can be hard to use


For those who don’t want anything but the best, this will be the product you want in your cart when you are checking out.

  1. Runner Up: Nu-Calgon 4171-75 Evap Foam No Rinse Evaporator Coil CleanerNu-Calgon 4171-75 Evap Foam No Rinse Evaporator Coil Cleaner

Another great option to purchase foam-based is this model, and you don’t have to rinse it off. It is a lemon-scented product that will liquefy various residues, oil, grease, and dirt easily and quickly. This is also made with some corrosion inhibitors to use various metals and other materials without worrying.

The foam is fast-breaking, and it is self-rinsing. The product is registered NSF in terms of use for cleaning coils in any food processing areas, which leaves a light, pleasant scent of lemons.


  • Ideal for food processing areas
  • Easy to use
  • Great for cleaning up pet hair


  • Not ideal for refrigerator coils


If you have pets, this product would be a good option to help clean the coils of any hair or dander collected over time.

  1. Best Budget Option: 3X Chemistry Foaming Coil Cleanser3X Chemistry Foaming Coil Cleanser

This product would be great if you are searching for something that you can easily and quickly wipe down after the set period is over. Not only that, but it is highly affordable and straightforward to use.

It has a light scent that is ideal for any home, and you won’t even be able to tell that it has been used after the air conditioner has been cleaned.

This would be extremely useful if you have coils that haven’t been cleaned recently or have a lot of mold or debris built up.



  • Might need more than 1 can for harder jobs


If you are searching for something you can use for all the coils inside and outside of your home, this model might be the perfect one to check out.

  1. SimpleAir Green EZGA Coil Cleaning SpraySimpleAir Green EZGA Coil Cleaning Spray

For those who want something that will be odor-free, then go ahead and check out this product. It is biodegradable, non-toxic, and effortless to use with a nozzle that is not overly hard to push down. It can also easily be directed into the hard-to-reach spots that you might not be able to get otherwise.

This will help to loosen up any debris and oil collected on your coils. The bottle holds 19 ounces and is professional grade.


  • Professional grade
  • No odor
  • Easy to use


  • Expensive


If you don’t want to deal with an odor after you are done cleaning, then look at this product to see if it will fit all of your needs.

  1. Diversitech Professional 880591 No Rinse Coil Cleaner ConcentrateDiversitech Professional 880591 No Rinse Coil Cleaner Concentrate

If you have a few air conditioners to clean or an HVAC professional, this concentration will be great for the coil cleaner. This doesn’t require you to rinse the coils down after application, which comes in a 1-gallon container. You have to spray it on the coils after mixing it with 3 parts of water and then let it do the work to remove all the oil, dust, dirt, and much more.

However, if the coil or your evaporator is filthy, you might want to rinse them off after letting them sit for around 30 minutes.


  • Can be used for heavily dirty coils and condenser
  • High-quality product
  • Simple to use


  • Must be watered down to use it


For those who want something that will be in a larger quantity or that you can use for more than one air conditioner or your business, then make sure to check out this 1-gallon concentrate coil cleaner.

  1. Rectorseal Foaming Coil CleanserRectorseal Foaming Coil Cleanser

Another great option that would be concentrated and need to be diluted before use is this product. It comes in a 1-gallon plastic bottle and has a foaming action that will penetrate stubborn dirt, tars, grease, and other debris. It would help loosen them up and remove them to rinse them away with some water easily.

This will be highly economical and usable on aluminum and copper without any issues. It is also biodegradable, which makes it very friendly to the environment.


  • Professional grade
  • Can be used on copper and aluminum
  • Biodegradable


  • Might require more than 1 application to become fully clean


If you want something that is professional-grade and very simple to use, then this concentrate might be the ideal product for you to purchase.

  1. Nu-Calgon Evaporator Concentrate Coil CleanerNu-Calgon Evaporator Concentrate Coil Cleaner

This concentrated product is great for those who want something stronger than foaming products. This doesn’t need to be rinsed off, and it is great for the indoor coils; it is slightly alkaline and green in color and is metal-safe, so you don’t have to worry about any discoloration.

This will also be great for the most stubborn deposits, soils, dirt, oil, and grease accumulating. This is a highly concentrated product, and it would need to be diluted with 3 parts of water before it can be used.


  • Highly concentrated
  • Great for indoor based coils
  • Safe for all metals


  • Must be watered down before use


Another great product you can use from one of the top brands in this concentrate will be straightforward and effective in cleaning your indoor-based coils.

  1. Lundmark Inc. 3226F32-6 Coil CleanserLundmark Inc. 3226F32-6 Coil Cleanser

If you are looking for a product that can be used on the condensers, coils, and fins of your air conditioning system, this might be one. This is ideal for cleaning and helping maintain the air conditioner coils while increasing the efficiency of airflow through the fins and increasing the fan motor’s longevity.

This will also be safe to use for your home’s landscaping, and it is ready to use. You need to spray it on the area, wait for the time to pass, and rinse it off.


  • Ready to use
  • Affordable
  • Easy to rinse off


  • It doesn’t get rid of odors
  • Not ideal for usage on stainless steel


If you have been looking for something you can use on all parts of your air conditioning system, then this should be the product you are looking at in-depth.

  1. Nu-Calgon OEM Nu-Blast Condenser Coil Cleanser71nTGsvHfIL._AC_SL1500_

When cleaning your AC system, you want something easy to use and from a trusted brand, and this product is just that. This one is non-flammable and non-conductive, and it is great for delivering high pressure. This also needs to be sprayed on, and it would dissolve all of the debris stuck.

You don’t need to worry about spraying this off since the condensation would remove it, so go ahead and worry about something else.


  • Simple to use
  • Foams a bit
  • Great for refrigerator usage



If you are looking for something that can easily be used on your window or split AC systems, then buy a can of this to see how good it works.

  1. Nu-Calgon Blackhawk Expanding Foam CleanserNu-Calgon Blackhawk Expanding Foam Cleanser

Another product from the top brand is this one, which is extremely high-quality and easy to use. This is an expanding foam that will get into the deeper parts of the coils, turning into a liquid so that the oils, grease, and grime can be removed easily. This will also be safe for usage in any area of food processing.

This is a non-rinse formula, and it can be used on metal surfaces, exhaust hoods, and even for cleaning any washable filters.


  • It can be used in food processing areas
  • Ideal for cleaning filters
  • Environmentally safe


  • Not ideal for very greasy coils


If a brand is important to you, check out this product from one of the industry’s top brands.

AC Coil Cleaners Buying Guide

You will always want to ensure that you are buying the best when it comes to cleaning agents or products for anything in your home. This applies to your air conditioner and the coils that you would need to keep clean. Here is everything that you want to know about buying the right AC coil cleaner for your needs.

The Importance of Keeping Your AC Coils Clean

The Importance of Keeping Your AC Coils Clean

There are plenty of reasons you want to keep the coils of your air conditioner clean, but the biggest one is that it will be much more efficient.

If you are cleaning the outdoor coils, you will ensure that all of the debris and dirt that would be blocking the filters are cleaned.

This will help save money over time, and you would be able to keep your machine running for a longer period of time if it is properly maintained.

DIY or Hire a Pro

You might be thinking about whether or not you will be able to clean the coils yourself or if you need to hire an expert. However, there are a few options that you can consider, including:

  • How to clean a/c coils – Depending on the product type, you can either spray it directly on the coils as is, or you would need to dilute it down. Once you have the product ready, spray it onto the coils and then let it sit the required time. After the time has elapsed, which can be around 10 minutes or longer, you either need to rinse it off or turn the machine on, depending on what the directions say.
  • How to clean condenser coils – You will want to ensure that you are looking at the coils and seeing just how dirty they might be. If there is large debris that you can see on the outside, then go ahead and brush those off. After that, you want to straighten the fins and spray the product directly onto the fins. This needs to sit around 10 times; then, you can rinse the fins down if necessary.

However, there can be some problems with cleaning them yourself, especially if you don’t have the time. So make sure to consider if you will do the maintenance yourself or if you want to hire the experts to handle it.

How to Clean Evaporator Coils

If you have already purchased your AC coil cleaner, you will need to get that ready. However, you can do this with some warm water and some mild detergent if you don’t. Here are some steps that you need to take to help you clean the evaporator coils properly, including:

  1. Getting your product or detergent and water solution ready
  2. Applying the solution directly to all of the evaporator coils
  3. Wait a few seconds or minutes before it can soak in and start to loosen up the debris, and apply if required
  4. Wipe down the evaporator coils of the loose materials using a brush or soft cloth

This process should be done every few months and especially at the beginning of the summer and winter. If you are doing these steps and the evaporator coils aren’t coming completely clean, you will repeat them as often as required.

Types of Coil Cleaner

Another thing that you need to be aware of is the various types of coil cleaners available. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to decide which one to go for. Some of the types include:

  • Acid-based – This one is made using Hydrofluoric acid, and it shouldn’t ever be used in any indoor system, including chilled water or evaporator coils. This should also be used for outdoor usage for air-cooled condenser cleaning.
  • Alkaline – This has sodium hydroxide or Potassium as the main active ingredients. These should be rinsed off fully when used in any AC system to ensure that the coils and the entire system aren’t damaged.
  • Evaporator – These are non-toxic and non-corrosive, and they are great for being used for indoor systems. These are often in foam base products or concentrates so you can water them down before usage.

Ensure that you consider all of these types and choose the one that would suit your needs.

Capacity vs. Cost

Another thing that you are going to want to consider is the cleaner’s capacity versus the cost.

Think about how much of the product you would need to clean the system you are using, especially if you are going for the canned products.

Most canned products can handle one of the split-level air conditioner systems, while the concentrate will clean the entire household central air system.

Characteristics of a Good AC Coil Cleaner

Characteristics of a Good AC Coil Cleaner

You want to ensure you are aware of numerous characteristics before looking at the AC coil cleaners. These includes:

  • Alkaline-based – These products are acid-based, often found in a wide variety of cleaning products. The acid can help get off stubborn dirt, but it can also damage your coils. This is why you want to consider finding a gentle, alkaline-based product rather than just water.
  • Usability – You also need to ensure that the product you are looking at will be easy to use and doesn’t require much effort. Consider whether a sprayer will be included since this makes applying it simpler, and you don’t have to worry about overdoing it.
  • USDA authorization – You need to consider whether it can be used close to food preparations. If it has authorization from the USDA, it will be safe, and you don’t have to worry about anything.
  • Versatility – You might also want to consider purchasing a product that doesn’t need to be used on coils alone. This is because you would only need to use it once or twice a year, so think about if you can use it on other items in your home to get rid of grime and dust.
  • Price – The final thing that you need to consider is the price. These products cost you more than any general-purpose cleansers, so think about the cost. However, for the most part, a small amount of this product can be highly effective.

These are just a few of the main characteristics you need to consider before choosing any product.


  • Why is it important that I clean my AC coils regularly?

If you aren’t cleaning your AC coils, then debris, dirt, and oil will be collected. This means that the fins on your system won’t work as effectively, so you aren’t getting as much air in the home and are spending more on running it. Also, you would have to replace it sooner than if you were to maintain it properly.

  • How often should I be cleaning my AC coils?

You should make sure that you are cleaning the AC coils at least one time every year. If you don’t use the system in the winter, you might want to do it or have an expert inspect it after the summer.

  • How do I know when I should be cleaning the coils?

If your system isn’t cooling down your house as effectively or as fast as before, you should look at cleaning it. You can order the product in advance and have it on hand so that you can clean it when it starts to get slow. However, you also want to clean it between seasons, especially after winter.


Ensure that you pick the right AC coil cleaner for your needs, including the price.

You also need to ensure that you know how to clean the coils and how often they should be cleaned, around one time per year or even between summer and winter.

Use some of these cleaners to help keep your air conditioner in good condition so you can save money.

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