HomeBLOGAir PurifiersWhat Are the Most Common Indoor Air Quality Complaints?

What Are the Most Common Indoor Air Quality Complaints?

In recent days, many people are reported that they are not feeling well due to indoor air quality. To resolve this indoor air quality problem, most people play an ultimate role in helping the employer, manager, building owner, occupants, and property manager.

Depending upon your workplace, you can choose the person to conduct this investigation, either building or a safety maintenance personnel or the experience of anyone in this workplace, and then determine the leading cause of indoor air quality problems.

Health Effects Of Indoor Air Quality And Environmental Pollution

Generally, indoor air quality is the primary health concern. According to the EPA, i.e., Environmental Protection Agency, the outside pollutant levels are two to five times greater than inside the home.

However, these pollutant levels include airborne particles and other particulate matter such as gases, allergens, toxic chemicals, lung irritants, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Every day, indoor air pollution pollutes the air you breathe. You depict about 9 out of 10 breaths indoors, so it is straightforward to see why indoor air quality is a top health concern. Typically, you inhale about a couple of tablespoons of airborne particles every day.

Breathing the harmful pollutants may stress your immune system, leading to several health conditions. In addition, the effects of poor indoor air quality on each person may differ based on their relative health and age.

In general, this poor indoor air quality also leads to many allergy symptoms such as weakened immune systems, respiratory problems, etc. Specifically, the children are susceptible to so many health issues from the contaminated indoor air because their lungs are much smaller.

Also, they have to take many breaths during the entire day. So if you suffer from allergy signs or asthma-related issues, you will find it in your home when you may have polluted or more dust.

Even some other sources of air-related problems may include remaining odors, improper ventilation, and natural changes such as new furnishings, a new pet, recent construction, or water damage.

Common indoor air problems

One of the foremost steps to control the source of air pollution is finding out the cause of pollutants such as smoke, mold, or chemical off-gassing, and it is also possible to eliminate them from your house.

However, this is one of the long-lasting and most effective methods of enhancing indoor air quality. Below are some of the best solutions to indoor air pollution that the EPA, such as could suggest,

  • Improve ventilation

The best ventilation will enhance indoor air quality, even if the offending pollutant is gas or chemical. In such a case, giving fresh air into the home can be very helpful.

  • Control the source of air pollution

The source of air pollution should control it.

The EPA suggests this step buy a good air purifier. Among so many brands and types of air cleaners available on the market, it is pretty simple to find this one that is well suited to your home’s specific situation.

Problems And Opportunities For Indoor Air Quality

Problems And Opportunities For Indoor Air Quality

The perfect environment does not available these days. According to the research concerning the indoor environment, quality is the biggest complaint.

In the office environment, the employees are reported to have difficulty doing their work due to poor or bad indoor environmental quality.

Those employees are specified or considered as stressors. In reality, below are the top five stressors related to indoor air quality includes:

  • Being too hot in summer
  • Being too cold in winter
  • Lack of air movement
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Stagnant air

The term IAQ stands for Indoor Air Quality. Specifically, the IAQ deals with a specific air condition inside the occupied spaces of a building. However, the indoor environmental quality can also deal with the entire condition of the indoor space.

The significant elements of IEQ also include ergonomics, noise and lighting, indoor temperature, and indoor air quality. Now, there are several possible solutions available for indoor air quality problems.

First, you need to find the number of problems that require being addressed and adequately handle them. When you still wait for the complaints, you are in a reactive mode, so you try to determine a proper solution when you have a more complex situation.

Considering indoor air quality, you take a holistic approach and prevent your building from suffering several indoor air quality problems.

Valuable Tips To Enhance the Air Quality In Your Homes

Well, air pollution can quickly enter your home. Some sources of air pollution at home are ash from the fireplace, dirt, dust, etc.

In reality, the air quality in your home is more important because poor indoor air quality has led to several allergies among adults, children, and others. It could be ranged from respiratory complaints and asthma to severe skin conditions such as eczema.

To prevent this condition, you need to have a little care and attention that could be dealt with more quickly and enjoy the fresh, cleaner air at home.

Best Air Purifiers Fighting the Indoor Air Pollution

Best Air Purifiers Fighting the Indoor Air Pollution

People are becoming aware of indoor air pollution, so they use the best home air purifiers for relief.

Of course, these air purifiers are tops at what they do. This small machine consists of a medical-grade HEPA filter needed to eliminate 99.9% of airborne particles, which have 0.3 microns in diameter.

By simply using the powerful filter system in an air purifier, you can eliminate the dust, bacteria, viruses, pollen, and dust mites from the air in your home.


Indoor air quality is more important for good health. With recommended air purifiers with HEPA filters, you can prevent health hazards by emitting a top level of ozone and removing indoor air pollutants.

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