HomeBLOGAquatru Carafe Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Review

Aquatru Carafe Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Review

AquaTru is one of the top brands on the market, highly regarded for its quality water purifiers. The brand has recently introduced its new Carafe Countertop RO water purifiers.

This unit comes with powerful technology and has a sleek design. The design allows you to pour conveniently using the glass carafe and store it conveniently in your fridge.

From brewing a coffee to filling a tall glass, you can do much more when drinking clean water.

But how good is this unit?

We will learn about it in this in-depth AquaTru Carafe Countertop RO Water Purifier review, so continue to read until the end.

Aquatru Carafe Countertop RO Water Purifier
Aquatru Carafe Countertop RO Water Purifier


  • Excellent purification performance.
  • User-friendly.
  • Cost-effective filters.
  • The smaller footprint is suitable for smaller kitchens/households.
  • Ready to work within 10 minutes.
  • Purifies up to a gallon of water within 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wastes relatively less water than standard RO systems.
  • BPS and BPA-free Tritan plastic.
  • Doesn’t need much maintenance due to the long-lasting filters.



AquaTru Carafe Size & Dimensions

The AquaTru Carafe RO Water Purifier has a small footprint and is ideal for smaller kitchens. This might be the right option if you live in an apartment.

The unit has dimensions 14-inch x 12-inch x 14-inch and weighs around 16 lbs. It will save you some space and come in handy during installation.

Despite its sleek design, it can hold a gallon of tap water and 0.75 gallons of purified water.

Dimensions and water capacity is similar to AquaTru Countertop Water Filtration Purification System, which we reviewed before.

AquaTru Carafe Filters Performance

Aquatru Carafe Filter Performance Review

One of the best features of the AquaTru Carafe RO Water Purifier is its powerful filtration process. An additional filter can make the purification process even more detailed.

The pre-filter can tackle rust, sand, or similar sediments to protect other filters from damage. After that, the next filter comes – the RO pre-filter. It means it will eliminate any chloramine and chlorine from the water.

The good thing is that it can eliminate up to 99 percent of these contaminants in your tap water. You will immediately notice that your water will start tasting better because chlorine makes water taste pretty bad. You won’t have to use any plastic bottles as well.

The RO pre-filter has been tested in third-party labs to eliminate different compounds. These include lead, iron, fluoride, copper, chromium, barium, selenium, radium, chromium-6, drug residues, and other hard water minerals.

After going through the RO pre-filter, water passes through the RO membrane. This membrane removes over 87 percent of solids within your water. You won’t have to buy any VOC or fluoride filters separately.

Then comes the activated VOC carbon filter to eliminate any bad taste or odors from the water. And from there, it reaches your cup for you to drink.

Furthermore, this filter can eliminate any smaller particles that the RO membrane might have left. These might include pesticides, herbicides, disinfectant by-products, or fracking fuels.

Types of Water Filter Cartridges AquaTru Carafe Has

This unit utilizes the 4-stage process of purification for cleaning incoming water. It has filters within the three bottles in its side panel. You will see that these three bottles have different colored labels on them.

  • The first one of these bottles has a yellow label, which takes care of the first two stages of filtration. Water comes into these bottles through a mechanical pre-filter and a carbon filter. That pre-filter eliminates large particles of impurities from the water. And the carbon filter emphasizes getting rid of any chloramines and chlorine from the water.

Aquatru Carafe yellow carbon filter

Aquatru Carafe blue RO membrane filter

  • The third bottle has a green colored label on it. This filter features an activated coconut-block filter. This filter removes all organic compounds and adds impurities to ensure you get better-tasting water.

Aquatru Carafe green VOC filter

  • You can purchase an extra filter to boost the filtration process further. This optional filter is the mineral & pH boost alkaline VOC filter. The purpose of this addition is to add more minerals to your water along with pH and make it taste even better.

How Long Does the AquaTru Filter Last?

The filtration system for this unit is pretty extraordinary. Thanks to this multi-stage process, this unit can deliver high-quality results. Not only that, but the filters within the unit are pretty long-lasting as well. They will not break apart or wear out after a month of use.

The RO pre-filter lasts 6 months of use 600 gallons (whichever comes first), while the RO filter lasts up to at least a couple of years or 1200 gallons. The VOC Carbon filter lasts around a year or so or up to 600 gallons.

Therefore, these filters are not only high-performing but long-salting as well. So you won’t have to continue spending money on them. In other words, using this unit will save you a few bucks regarding maintenance and running costs.

What Contaminants Does AquaTru Carafe Remove?

The AquaTru Carafe RO Water Purifier can filter out different contaminants and impurities from your water to make it pure and healthy for you to consume.

You need to keep in mind that this unit uses a reverse osmosis filtering process. So, it does a fantastic job of removing everything from your water.

RO filtration eradicates various contaminants and impurities. The resulting water from the system has a much lower solids rate, which has been tested and proved by multiple third-party tests.

Here are some impurities this unit can deal with pretty comfortably:

  • Lead – 99.1 percent
  • Chlorine – 96.6 percent
  • Fluoride – 93.5 percent
  • Chloramine
  • Chromium-6
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Arsenic
  • Dug residue

There are some other compounds and impurities that this unit can also get rid of from your drinking water. So, you can be 100 percent sure you are drinking ultra-pure water. It is going to be far cleaner than the standard water filters produce.

How Do I Know When My AquaTru Filters Need to be Replaced?

Each filter comes with a numbered light on it. When a filter needs to be replaced, that numbered light will stay illuminated, corresponding to the filter that should be replaced. The light will be visible on the digital display panel of the unit.

This number light will turn off automatically during or after the filtering process. When you have replaced the filter and pressed the reset button, this light will go off. To reset the hotels, you must consult the manual with your purchase.

AquaTru Carafe RO Water Purifier Filtration Speed

AquaTru Carafe RO Water Purifier Filtration Speed

The AquaTru Carafe can conveniently filter up to 12 cups within 10 minutes and 10 seconds. It can translate into 1.18 cups in 60 seconds.

This speed is moderately better than other brands’ range of RO water purifiers. Within 10 minutes, you will have a large pitcher of purified water ready for various purposes.

Some wastewater is produced during this filtration process; the same applies to reverse osmosis systems.

If you put this unit to the test using a gallon of water, you will get 74 oz of purified water and 48 oz of wastewater, while 6 oz of water is lost. In other words, this unit produces 54 sewage oz for every 74 oz of purified water. It turned 57.8 percent of 128 oz water into purified water.

These RO systems can vary significantly regarding how much wastewater they can produce. Some systems can produce 10 gallons of water for each gallon of purified water. This is a 10:1 ratio. The best units on the market have a 1:1 ratio.

So, our unit here is reasonably efficient in its water purification. If you don’t consume too much water daily, the wastewater the unit will produce isn’t much.

AquaTru Carafe Key Features

There are various other features you need to consider apart from the filters used in this unit and their efficiency.

Here are some of them that we have highlighted:

AquaTru Carafe Usability

AquaTru Carafe Usability

The overall usability of this unit is pretty good. The unit has an extremely user-friendly design, and the installation process is simple.

You won’t have to go through much to get it done. The controls that are there on this unit are pretty simple.

AquaTru Carafe Installation & Setup

As we have just mentioned, installation of this unit is pretty simple, and you don’t have to do much to get the job done. The unit comes almost fully set up out of the box, and you will only have to put those filters into place, and you’re good to go.

Just unwrap the filters and screw them into the unit’s side panel. Once you are done with that, plug the unit into the outlet. Fill the tank with water and let it cycle through the filters at least four times. After that, your RO system is ready for you to use.

AquaTru Carafe Controls

It has pretty good controls that are simple to use. To begin with, there are no money buttons, and most of the steps will happen automatically. You only have to put the tank back into its slot in the unit.

AquaTru Carafe App

This unit can connect to your phone with the help of the AquaTru mobile application. You will get real-time info about the unit on your phone. It can tell you about the current life of the filter, tank capacity, device status, and much more.

AquaTru Carafe Maintenance

AquaTru Carafe Maintenance

Keeping this unit running is pretty simple. You will only have to replace the filters on their time, and you will be good.

The yellow labeled filter should be returned in 6 months, while the blue labeled filters should be replaced in 2 years.

If you do it carefully, your unit will continue to perform at its best.


Is AquaTru NSF certified?

AquaTru Carafe RO water purifier is tested to meet all the NSF or National Sanitation Foundation standards.

Is AquaTru BPA-free?

AquaTru Carafe RO water purifiers are BPA and BPS-free, and their water is safe to consume. The plastic used in the development of this unit is Tritan plastic.

However, BPA is not the only thing we must watch out for when buying these products.

Is drinking water with reverse osmosis good for you?

As per WHO, the low total-dissolved-solids water produced by these RO units is not for human consumption in the long run. It tends to create negative health effects.

Moreover, the lack of minerals can be a turn-off for some people.

Are there any disadvantages to drinking reverse osmosis water?

A significant amount of water turns out to be wastewater, and it can get rid of pH and minerals from water, even the ones our body needs. So, using RO units can be an issue in the long run.


AquaTru Carafe RO water purifier is one of the best on the market. With only a few drawbacks, this unit offers good value for money compared to the other brands.

Plus, you will have to go through not much in terms of installation and maintenance. So, it does have some value for money to offer.

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